Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Listen and Write

WHAT is Listen and Write?


I found that this website is quite useful and practical for language teachers and learners in improving their listening skills. This is because:

(a) Students have the opportunity to practise listening skill ( as mentioned above) since the text is repeated for
     several times.
(b) It helps to develop students' vocabulary on their own. They may be exposed to words that are rarely can 
      be found in a normal text. ( I believe that it is an advantage to use current news because fresh vocabulary
      can be introduced to them.) 
(c) This is NOT only a good listening practice, but also a spelling task for all.
(d) Students from all level of competency can try this out out because there are variety of levels that can be
(e) It encourages students to work independently at home and not only depending on teachers' homework.


WHAT is Lyrics-Training?

Lyrics-training is a tool that allows us to practice certain skills. It allows users to fill in the lyrics that match with any songs depending on the users preferences whether they are beginner, intermediate or expert.
Teachers definately can take the opportunities in teaching students English by using 'Lyrics-Training' tool. 


1. Firstly, teachers can choose songs according to students' interest
2. Second, students choose their level of proficiency in English.
3. Finally, students can listen to the lyrics, and try to guess and fill in the blanks.

                                                                [ Bruno Mars ; Count on me ]

  • It is fun, easy and interactive
  • Students are exposed to varieties of language.
  • Students get to practise skills such as listening and writing.
  • Students get to guess the blank by looking at the hints


  • Students might get distracted by only listening to the song, not filling in the gap.
  • Some songs are inappropriate in terms of not using RP pronunciation

Thursday, 13 October 2011

English Lesson By Using Dvolver

WHAT is Dvolver?

  • Dvolver is a tool that allows users to create dialogues and allows users to choose characters according to users' preferences.  
  • It is suitable to use on all levels of learners but most preferably to use on secondary school learners.
  • Teachers can exploit using this tool in many ways.
  •         1. Teaching real-life situations
  •         2. Teaching grammar, vocabulary and structures.
  •         3. Encourage interaction and communication.



       1. It is FUN, EASY and INTERACTIVE.
       2. Allows creativity
       3. Students get to engage in interaction and communication in completing the task.

       1.  Limitation in amout of words that they can write.
       2.  Limited characters that they can choose.
       3.  Context appropriacy - not suitable for all ages.